
EUR 85,90


Intense aroma, full flavour, best quality - different coffee beans in a certain mixing ratio are often considered a better choice. Because Arabica beans and Robusta beans are not the same, manufacturers only extract the best properties from the beans of each variety. With FiftyFifty from KABOSHON ™, you are on the side of harmonious coffee lovers with a ratio of 60 percent Arabica and 40 percent Robusta beans. The so-called blends should be balanced. Roasters rely on them because they ensure an aromatic balance among the different types of beans. As a customer, you can depend on the transparency of the ingredients and the stable taste of our coffee types.

Arabica and Robusta

Arabica is an elaborately cultivated type of bean. As a rule, these beans are only grown from 600 metres above sea level. Therefore, the caffeine content of the Arabica bean is considered low. The aroma, on the other hand, is characterized by a fascinating complexity. In contrast, Robusta beans are grown in the lowlands, while the high-quality Robusta beans from FiftyFifty have an aromatic intensity and significantly more crema. The taste of dark chocolate and hazelnut is combined with harmonious notes and an intense bouquet. If you don't want to limit yourself to Arabica beans, you can look forward to a taste experience with FiftyFifty.


If you want to accentuate your lifestyle with the right mixture, choose the composition of our coffee type as a new routine component for your everyday life. Our coffee beans come from a fine selection after careful cultivation in the growing areas. Our selected blend of Arabica and Robusta beans do not limit the taste experience. On the contrary: it expands it with formative aromas of the master class. If you don't want an extreme but balanced taste ratio, choose our FiftyFifty.

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