A robust immune system is necessary to cope with everyday stress and to defend against damaging environmental influences. A lack of vitamins and essential fatty acids weakens the immune system and makes the body prone to inflammation and disease. In addition, the body does not produce certain fatty acids on its own. This is the case with omega-3 fatty acids. Likewise, only a few foods turn out to be good vitamin D suppliers. With omega-3 fatty acids plus vitamin D3 from KABOSHON ™, you can achieve the required dosage together with a healthy diet. The absorption of vitamin D as part of a dietary supplement plays a crucial role in the darker months of the year because the few days of sunshine reduce the absorption of the vitamin through the skin.
Based on our diet supplements, you can positively support your metabolism by protecting your body's cells, especially with the fish oil concentrate. As essential building blocks, they play a role in the production of different tissue hormones. In addition, fatty acids strengthen the membrane cells in the brain, resulting in improved brain function. The fish oil concentrate from pure anchovies from the South Pacific contained in our food supplement has a high content of vitamin D. The additional daily dose of D3 ensures a steady supply of vitamins. The multiple actions of the dietary supplement strengthen your immune system permanently.
The excellent quality of our dietary supplements is based on the approach and competence of the experienced manufacturers we have selected. Our production partners also supply other well-known brands around the world. We guarantee you only the best selection of pure raw materials. Strict controls make our dietary supplement reliable, as the capsules are checked for harmful residues, gluten or gelatine during production. With the intake of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D3 from KABOSHON ™, you are opting for an ideal supplement that, in conjunction with a healthy diet, with optimal benefits for your body.